Assembly Commission - draft portfolios 2011-16


Lead official(s)

Presiding Officer as Commission Chair

Claire Clancy

Budget, governance, including Audit Committee membership, and links with the Remuneration Board.  Improvement of services to Members, employment support and professional development for Members and their staff.

Claire Clancy with Steve O’Donoghue and Craig Stephenson

ICT, broadcasting and e-democracy, the Assembly estate, facilities and sustainability.  The Commission as the employer of Assembly staff.

Dianne Bevan

Education services, front of house, catering and security.  The Commission’s statutory equality functions.

Connie Robertson

Citizen engagement and communications, national and international outreach.  Freedom of information and the Commission’s Welsh language functions and policy.

Non Gwilym


Note: Proposed focus of interest for the Deputy Presiding Officer referred to in the covering paper.